An 82-year-old Ottawa man accused of killing his wife at a suburban retirement has died in hospital, according to his son Chris Flann.

Ian Flann faced first-degree murder charges after his wife was killed on December 26. Ottawa police said it was the city's 11th homicide of 2011.

Holiday celebrations at Longfields Manor, a Barrhaven retirement home, came to a disturbing halt on Boxing Day when Doreen Flann's murder became widespread news.

Their son issued a statement on behalf of the family:

"Ian Flann was terminally ill with cancer throughout his body and brain. No longer abel to care for his wife, his high school sweetheart, and with the best intentions, the tragic events of December 26th 2011 unfolded. Ian Flann was a loving husband, father, grand-father and brother. The loss of my parents is being felt deeply by all family members. The passing of my mother and father under these circumstances is heartbreaking. Despite recent events, I will always think of my parents with honour, respect and profound love."

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